Item Synthesizing - Written by Zuriel

The kind little Moogles above the Accessory Shop have opened up their own little Synthesis Shop for you! Drop in when you have some Shards, Crystals and Gems and get some fantastic items! Below we have a list of all the Items you can synthesize and what you need to have to synthesize it. And below that we have the guide that shows you which Heartless drop these valuable shards, crystals and gems! (To get to the Synthsis Shop you need to have learnt the Green Trinity move)

 Item  Need
 Cottage  Bright Shard(x2), Blaze Shard(x3)
 Elixir  Blaze Shard (x2), Frost Shard(x2), Thunder Shard(x2), Mythril Shard(x4)
 Energy Bangle  Power Shard(x2), Frost Shard(x1)
 Power Chain  Spirit Shard(x2), Power Shard(x2)
 Gaurd Earring  Spirit Shard(x2), Thunder Shard(x1)
 Dark Ring  Lucid Shard(x2), Bright Shard(x1), Mythril Shard(x2)

 ITEM SYNTHESIS, LIST 2 (Synthesize four items to unlock)
 Item  Need
 Mega-Potion  Blaze Gem(x1), Frost Gem(x1), Thunder Gem(x1), Mythril Shard(x2)
 AP Up  Spirit Shard(x3), Spirit Gem(x2), Mythril(x3)
 Angel Bangle  Spirit Shard(x3), Power Shard(x3), Bright Gem(x3)
 Magic Armlet  Blaze Shard(x3), Frost Shard(x3), Thunder Shard(x3), Mythril(x2)
 Golem Chain  Power Shard(x3), Power Gem(x1), Lucid Gem(x1)
 Master Earring  Lucid Shard(x3), Lucid Gem(x2), Spirit Gem(x2)

 ITEM SYNTHESIS, LIST 3 (Synthesize 10 items to unlock)
 Item  Need
 Mega-Ether  Blaze Gem(x3), Frost Gem(x3), Thunder Gem(x3) Bright Shard(x5), Bright Crystal(x1)
 Defense Up  Lucid Shard(x5), Lucid Gem)x3), Lucid Crystal(x1), Mystery Goo(x1)
 Gaia Bangle  Power Shard(x5), Power Gem(x3), Bright Crystal(x1)
 Rune Armlet  Blaze Gem(x2), Frost Gem(x2), Thunder Gem(x2), Mythril(x3)
 Heartguard  Spirit Shard(x3), Power Shard(x3), Power Crystal(x1)
 Three Stars  Blaze Shard(x3), Frost Shard(x3), Thunder Shard(x3), Orichalcum(x1), Shiny Crystal(x1)

 ITEM SYNTHESIS, LIST 4 (Synthesize 15 items to unlock)
 Item  Need
 Megalixir  Bright Shard(x5), Bright Gem(x3), Bright Crystal(x1), Shiny Crystal(x1), Gale(x2)
 Power Up  Power Shard(x5), Power Gem(x3), Power Crystal(x1), Mystery Goo(x1), Orichalcum (x2)
 Titan Chain  Spirit Shard(x5), Spirit Gem(x3), Lucid Crystal(x1)
 Atlas Armlet  Shiny Crystal(x2), Mystery Goo(x1), Orichalcum(x3), Gale(x3)
 Crystal Crown  Lucid Crystal(x3), Power Crystal(x3), Shiny Crystal(x3), Bright Crystal (x3)
Ribbon  Blaze Gem(x5), Frost Gem(x5), Thunder Gem(x5), Bright Gem(x5), Gale(x3)

 Item  Need
 Ultima Weapon  Lucid Gem(x5), Power Gem(x5), Thunder Gem(x5), Mystery Goo(x3), Gale(x3)

Written by Zuriel

 Item  Obtain From  Heartless Location
 Bright Shard  White Mushroom  Wonderland, Deep Jungle, End of the World and Atlantica
 Blaze Shard  Red Nocturne, White Mushroom  Traverse Town, Monstro, Agrabah, Wonderland, Deep Jungle, End of the World and Atlantica
 Frost Shard  Blue Rhapsody, White Mushroom  Traverse Town, Monstro, Agrabah, Wonderland, Deep Jungle, End of the World and Atlantica
 Thunder Shard  White Mushroom, Yellow Opera  Traverse Town, Monstro, Agrabah, Wonderland, Deep Jungle, End of the World and Atlantica,
 Spirit Shard  Large Body, Soldier, White Mushroom  Traverse Town, Wonderland, Agrabah, Hollow Bastion, Monstro, Deep Jungle, End of the World and Atlantica
 Lucid Shard  Shadow, White Mushroom  Almost every world
 Power Shard  Bouncywild, Power Wild, White Mushroom  Deep Jungle, Wonderland, End of the World and Atlantica
 Bright Gem  Search Ghost, White Mushroom  Traverse Town, Halloween Town, Monstro, Neverland, Wonderland, Agrabah, Hollow Bastion, End of the World and Atlantica.
 Blaze Gem  Bandit, Fat Bandit, White Mushroom  Agrabah, Wonderland, Deep Jungle, End of the World and Atlantica
 Frost Gem  Sea Neon, Sheltering Zone, White Mushroom  Atlantica, Wonderland, Deep Jungle and End of the World
 Thunder Gem  Aquatank, Screwdriver, White Mushroom  Atlantica, Wonderland, Deep Jungle and End of the World
 Spirit Gem  Air Soldier, White Mushroom  Traverse Town, Wonderland, Atlantica, Deep Jungle and End of the World
 Lucid Gem  Gargoyle, White Mushroom, Wight Knight  Halloween Town, Wonderland, Deep Jungle, Atlantica and End of the World
 Power Gem  Air Pirate, Battle Ship, Pirate, White Mushroom  Neverland, Wonderland, Atlantica, Atlantica, Deep Jungle and End of the World
 Bright Crystal  Defender, White Mushroom  Hollow Bastion, Traverse Town, Atlantica, Wonderland, Deep Jungle and End of the World
 Lucid Crystal  Darkball, White Mushroom  Hollow Bastion, Traverse Town, Agrabah, Neverland, Atlantica, Wonderland, Deep Jungle and End of the World
 Power Crystal  White Mushroom, Wyvern.  Traverse Town, Hollow Bastion, Wonderland, Deep Jungle,  End of the World and Atlantica
 Shiny Crystal  Wizard  Traverse Town, Hollow Bastion, Halloween Town
 Gale  Invisible  End of the World
 Mythril Shard  Barrel Spider, Behemoth, Pot Spider  Agrabah, Monstro, End of the World
 Mythril  Angel Star, Behemoth  End of the World
 Orichalcum  Behemoth, Invisible  End of the World
 Mystery Goo  Black Fungus, Rare Truffle, White Mushroom  Halloween Town, Neverland, Wonderland, Deep Jungle, End of the World and Atlantica